Artro Cooperative
The school is alive: Magic School Guards!
2017 School-linked program 'Hello Art Lab'
2017.9.13~ 2017.11.10
○ Title of event: 2017 school-linked program 'Hello Art Lab'
○ Organizer/Supervisor: Chungbuk Cultural Foundation / Artro Freedom
○ Date and time: 2017. 9. 13 ~ 11. 10 (2nd term for the 4th session)
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 1st to 3rd class every Friday (4th class)
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Every Friday at Chodowon Branch School (2nd~3rd time)
○ 장 소 : 회인초등학교/문의초등학교 _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Adventure to Magic School
“When I drew from my dreams to my imagination, I took a class that I wanted to try at least once.
I'm so glad I actually did it!”-participating students
“As a friend and senior, solving problems and sharing opinions with students
It was nice to be able to immerse myself in the program and enjoy it.”-Participating instructors
'School Alive', a school-linked program of the Chungbuk Cultural Foundation 'Hello Art Lab' support project,
Comics, crafts, design, plays, and scenarios centered on narrative. fusion of performance
This is a cultural arts education program.
Students become the main characters in novels Students create a space called school with culture, memories, people,
Through various aspects of history I came to know the precious heart about the school,
In the narrative (story) Discover new meanings through play and artistic activities.
In addition, direct and indirect actions of various school members, such as teachers, janitors, and lunch children
Participation embodies the value that everyone is a member of the school, a community, and an owner.
2021 Ecological Exchange Market Daljang
Environment flea market, the intersection of farmers, culture and art
○ Title of event: 2021 Ecological Exchange Market Daljang
○ Organizer/Supervisor: Local Culture Promotion Agency / Keepin / Artro Cooperative
○ Date: 2021.05.~11
○ Location : Dongbu Warehouse
'Daljang' means 'a marketplace where you can meet crops that grow in the time of the moon'.
Daljang in 2021 is titled Ecological Exchange Market.
It is supervised by Kipin, a cultural and artistic planning group, and operated together with the Artro Cooperative.
We introduced a farmer's market with various cultural contents.
Beginning with farmers engaged in agriculture,
Workers from various cultural ecosystems come together
Discover the stories we create, and operate a zero-waste market for the environment.
farmer's market
Trust through the market where you can meet Jecheong agricultural products grown by farmers
We are creating an edible food market.
Ecological exchange market
People engaged in various cultural ecosystems such as arts, performances, and crafts come together
We want to make it a place where empathy, communication, and contents are exchanged.
zero waste
It is a little cumbersome and inconvenient for both those who sell and those who buy goods through the garbage-free marketplace,
We are trying to make the inconvenience enjoyable.